At it’s meeting on Monday. September 10th, the Chemung County Legislature approved the hiring of four additional part-time Special Patrol Officers.

The additional officers will join eight previously hired officer to work in the Elmira City School District, BOCES on Philo Road and Finn Academy.  This addition means that ALL schools in the Elmira City School District will have School Resource Officers in them during school hours.

The full cost of the officers will be paid for by the three school districts that they will be working for. County Sheriff Bill Schrom will still have authority over the officers with the districts having additional authority within their school buildings also.

It is expected to cost approximately $30,000 for each officer per year.

The resolution that was approved is below:




(Elmira City School District Elementary Schools)


By:  Chalk

Seconded by:  Smith

WHEREAS, the Chemung County Sheriff has requested the creation of four part-time Special Patrol Officer positions at an annual salary of  $30,000 (salary and fringe benefits 100% reimbursement by Finn Academy) to be utilized at Elmira City School District (“ECSD”) Elementary Schools as School Resource Officers; and

WHEREAS, the County Executive and the Personnel Committee have recommended that the Chemung County Legislature approve this request; now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that four part-time Special Patrol Officer positions be and the same hereby are created for the Office of the Chemung County Sheriff; and, be it further

RESOLVED, that the Chemung County Sheriff is hereby authorized and directed to fill the part-time positions, i.e., Special Patrol Officer at a salary of $30,000 per year, 100% reimbursement of salary and fringe benefit costs from the ECSD,  to be assigned to the Elementary Schools within the ECSD to serve as a School Resource Officers;  and, be it further

RESOLVED,  that the filling of the aforementioned positions is contingent upon Legislative approval of a contract for School Resource Officer services that is acceptable to both the County and the ECSD; and, be it further

RESOLVED, that the aforementioned positions are to be filled subject to Civil Service requirements, and said salary is to be paid as to any other County Employee; and, be it further

RESOLVED, that in the event the County does not receive the full amount of the reimbursement funding referred to in this Resolution the position authorized by this Resolution shall automatically terminate without further action by this Legislature.

Ayes:  Pastrick, Sweet, Brennan, Margeson, Hyland, Sonsire, Woodard, Burin, Chalk, Briggs, McCarthy, Drake, Smith, Strange, Manchester (Chairman) (15), Opposed:  None (0)




THIS IS TO CERTIFY, that I, the undersigned Clerk of the Chemung County Legislature, have compared the foregoing copy of resolution with the original resolution now on file in my office, and which was passed by the Chemung County Legislature on the 9th day of September 2019, a majority of all the members elected to the Legislature voting in favor thereof, and that the same is a correct and true transcript of such resolution and of the whole thereof.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and the official seal of the Chemung County Legislature this 10th day of September 2019.

_____Cynthia G. Kalweit____________

Cynthia G. Kalweit, Clerk

Chemung County Legislature