The Chemung County Legislature’s Corrections and Law Enforcement Committee unanimously passed a resolution and forwarded it to the Full Legislature seeking repeal of the Halt Act and other criminal justice statues that have been implemented by the state in the past couple years. The Full Legislature will vote on this resolution at its April 14th meeting.
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The day after I posted on my Legislative Facebook page that I was going to lead the fight against NYSEG, the Vice President of Government Relations contacted me to see if there was anything he could help me with. I explained to him that there are many questions that residents need answered and they didn’t feel NYSEG customer service was …
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Chemung County Legislator Rodney J. Strange is fighting back against skyrocketing utility bills received by residents throughout the state. He is calling for an independent investigation of NYSEG to get answers to many questions that the public has been asking. Strange urges community members to follow his Facebook page to stay up-to-date on the issues and ways to join the …
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County Excutive Chris Moss declraed a State of Emergency with the expiration of Title 42. You can read the entire State of Emergency Declaration below:
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The Term Limit Advisory Committee of the legislature recommends term limits for County Executive and Legislature. The Final Report of the Term Limit Advisory Committee: Local Law #3 Term Limits for County Executive: Local Law #4 Term Limits for County Legislators:
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At the March 13 regular meeting of the County Legislature, Local Law #1 for the year 2023 was passed that allows volunteer firefighters and EMT’s to get a 10% property tax exemption on their county tax bills. Local Law #1 is below:
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