Getting Personal: Character Counts & The Truth Matters

This is my story.  I would like to begin by getting very personal about myself.  I feel it is important that you know who I am and how I live my life.  The public has put their faith and trust in me, therefore I will be open, honest and truthful with you.  This is the life I live.  I do not drink alcohol, I have never smoked and never, ever used an illegal drug.  I believe in God and I am a baptized Roman Catholic.  In 2013-2014 I attended classes as part of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) at the Catholic Faith Formation Center of the Elmira Roman Catholic Parishes.  Upon successfully completing these classes, I formally entered the Catholic Church by being Confirmed and receiving Holy Eucharist at the Easter Vigil Mass on Holy Saturday April 19, 2014.  These are my personal beliefs and I respect those who believe otherwise.  I do not and would not impose my personal beliefs on others and I try hard not to judge those individuals with beliefs different from my own.  I invite you to click on my “Community Involvement” page to learn more about me.  You can see the organizations and groups I belong to, the volunteer work I do, the events and activities I sponsor and participate in and the charities that I contribute to.  I believe that this will best illustrate and define to you who I am as a person and county legislator and what I am about as a public servant and human being. In July 2016, I was recognized as a “Hometown Hero” for my involvement and service to the community.



The Early Years

Bio2High School GraduationI was born on September 16, 1968 to the late Rodney and Betty Strange. I have three brothers and one sister. I am a lifelong resident of the 15th district having lived at 386 Raecrest Circle in the Town of Southport all of my life. I attended Coldbrook & Broadway Elementary Schools, Broadway Junior High, and graduated from Southside High School in 1986. I was the President of my senior class. I attended Corning Community College. During my high school years I was a junior volunteer at St. Joseph’s Hospital and was named Volunteer of the Year in 1984.



A Working Man

Elbow Room Logo[1]I began my work life as a pizza delivery man at Picnic Pizza in Langdon Plaza from 1986 to 1987. In June 1987 I began working at The Elbow Room on Walnut St. in Elmira and I have been there ever since. I am the cook and kitchen manager. I was a rural motor route carrier for the Star-Gazette from September 1991 to January 2008. I have been a Notary Public since 2004. I joined WETM 18 News as a political analyst in April 2017 and appeared on the weekly segment: “Political Talk: The Week In Politics.” until May 2018.



My Love of Public Service & PoliticsFerraro

I became a Democrat on my 18th birthday in September 1986. Four days later I became a Democratic Committeeman for the Chemung County Democratic Committee. I worked for 14 years as a loyal Democrat.  I left the Democratic Committee in 2000 and began to contemplate my future in politics.  In November 2009, after several years of deep thought and contemplation, I changed my party registration to Republican. I believe that my opinions, beliefs, and core values are better represented as a member of the Republican Party. As your legislator, I  represent all of the residents of the district no matter what your party affiliation. I am a strong fiscal conservative and believe in people taking personal responsibility for themselves and their actions. I think everyone deserves a helping hand but government cannot be everything to everybody. Government must understand that it is the taxpayers who pay the bills and like every family who struggles to make ends meet with the paycheck they receive, government cannot continue to ask for more. I  bring those beliefs to the 15th district seat on the county legislature.



An Elmira School Board Member 1991-1998Bio5

I became a member of the Elmira School Board in July 1991. During my three terms on the board I am proud of the many accomplishments that were achieved. I was the vice president of the board from 1993-1995. I am the youngest person to ever serve in that position. While on the board I worked for five years to change state law to allow the public to vote on school budgets. In 1996 the law was passed and in 1997 the public voted for the first time. I was chairperson of the budget committee that year and we gave the public a budget that had a 0% tax increase.




1998 County Legislative Race

In 1998 I ran for the 15th district legislative seat. My opponent was the late John Flory. I always said during that campaign that I wasn’t running against John, I was running for the legislative seat. If I was running against John, there wasn’t any sense in running because their was no way I would have a chance. John Flory was a great statesman and a pillar in this community. I respected John so much that on election night, I went to Republican headquarters to concede in person to John and congratulate him on his victory. I am very proud to serve the 15th district on the legislature that John loved so much. I was equally as proud and honored to have John’s wife Pat as the Honorary Chairperson of my 2010 campaign.  Pat passed away in December 2011.



Bio7Bio8Another Term on the Elmira School Board 2007-2010 

In 2007, I was elected once again to the school board. I ran on a platform of fiscal responsibility and sound financial management. I served all three years as the chairperson of the Audit Committee. I oversaw three External Audits, the response to the State Comptroller’s audit and the district’s Forensic Audit. We responded to the many problems that these audits uncovered and put into place corrective action plans to fix the policies and procedures that the district uses in its financial practices. During this, my fourth 3 year term, we produced all three district budgets with 0% tax increases. I was the President of the board during the 2008-2009 school year.



2009 – The Year My Health Became a Priority

Bio10I have been told by some that I should not include this as part of my story because it may make me look weak and irresponsible. This experience was life-changing and I want to share it in hopes that I can help someone to not make the same mistake that I made by not seeing a doctor on a regular basis. After not seeing a doctor for 22 years, I became very ill in the Spring of 2009. I was sick for a week and a half by the time I went to the Emergency Room on May 9, 2009. I was admitted and diagnosed with diabetes. I had had diabetes for a long time before it was found. A few days later it was determined that I had a hematoma on my right kidney.

The kidney was dead and had to be removed the next day. It weighed about seven pounds when removed and full of infection. It was sent to UCLA to be studied. My doctors said they had never seen anything like it in their medical careers. I have chronic kidney disease but I am expected to lead a long and normal life. I had a team of doctors that have become the heroes in my life. I owe my life to my Drs. Mehta, Reddy, Angell, Stuart, Malanoski, Mazza, Riley, Becker, & Rubio. I am thankful to all of them for saving my life and making me healthy. I am a member of the American Diabetes Association and the National Kidney Foundation. I will spend the rest of my life seeking to educate people about diabetes and how important it is to be tested and keeping it under control. I also intend to let people know how important their kidneys are and to help people with chronic kidney disease. As of January 9, 2013 I was declared non-diabetic, as you will read below and my remaining kidney is functioning well.



The Chemung County Legislature

On November 2, 2010 I was elected to the Chemung County Legislature representing the 15th legislative district.  I received 52% of the vote winning by 51 votes – 720 to 669.  I was re-elected to a second term on November 4, 2014 and a third term on November 6, 2018 with no opposition either time. In November 2022, I was re-elected to my fourth term.





Life-Changing Surgery: The Road to a Healthy Life

Bio13After long and deep thought, I decided in December 2011, to pursue a life-changing weight loss surgery commonly known as Bariatric Surgery.  I chose to have a full gastric bypass called Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass.  This operation alters the normal flow of food through the stomach and intestines.  A very small pouch is created which is attached to a loop of the small intestines (the Roux limb).  The pouch can only hold 4 to 6 ounces of food at a time.  The Roux limb, in turn is connected to the remainder of the intestine as a Y connection.   These changes make you feel full after eating a small amount of food and most patients lose their sense of hunger most of the day.  I underwent several months of testing along with group and one-on-one counseling.  I chose to have this surgery because of the health issues discussed in the previous paragraph above.  Since my surgery on June 12, 2012, in 9 months I reached my goal of 170 pounds lost.  I now weigh in the 200 pound range.  My body weight has been cut in half.  Maintaining my weight within 10 pounds is now my lifelong maintenance plan. I am no longer a diabetic.  My energy level has never been higher and I feel great.  I walk at Elmer Goodwin Park in the 15th legislative district in the Town of Southport during the spring, summer and fall. Having been heavy since childhood, this surgery has changed my life in ways I never could have imagined.  I can do things now that have always been a struggle or I simply could not do.  Along with being healthier, I am leading a more active, fulfilling and productive life.  This incredible new life is allowing me to be an even better legislator for the residents of the 15th legislative district.



Bio14Fulfilling an ObligationBio15

As the youngest of five children, I made a promise to my mother and father early on that they would never be put in a nursing home as long as I was their son. My mom was diagnosed with cancer in November 1995. She wanted to be at home when the Lord came for her. She passed away on July 18, 1997 at home just like she wanted. Unfortunately, I was unable to keep that promise to my father.  In February 2012, I had to make the most difficult decision of my life.  My dad’s health was failing and he needed 24 hour care.  I placed him in the Chemung County Nursing Facility.  I visited him every day and fed him his lunch and/or dinner.  As difficult as the decision was, I was confident that he was receiving the care he needed and deserved at his age of 92.  On September 7, 2012 my dad passed away peacefully and entered Heaven to be with his Lord.  Dad lived a full and productive life and made me the man that I am today.  I will live the rest of my life to make him and my mother proud.



Family Touched by Suicide

Bio16My brother Jimmy passed away on September 10, 2011 by taking his own life at the ranch he worked at in Montana.  He had just won the Montana State Sheep Herder’s Championship a week earlier.  My brother suffered a life-long addiction to alcohol.  As any family knows who has a member that suffers from alcoholism, it affects the entire family.  Although I hated the toll that his addiction took on my family over the years, I never stopped loving my brother because of it.



Chairman of the Chemung County Republican Committee for Four Terms ~ 2013 – 2021

On October 29, 2013 I was elected Chairman of the Chemung County Republican Committee.  Having been in politics for more than 30 years, becoming Chairman of the County Committee is the highest honor and position that I could have bestowed upon me by the committee.  I have never been more prepared for anything in my life as I am for this position.  I succeeded Mike Krusen who was our Chairman for five years prior to my election.  I officially took over the Chairmanship on November 6, 2013.  At the re-organizational meeting of the Chemung County Republican Committee that took place on September 17, 2014, I was re-elected Chairman by a unanimous vote of the County Committee to serve a full two year term.



In January 2016, I was elected to the position of Regional Vice Chairman of the New York Republican State Committee. A position I continued to hold having been re-elected in 2018 and 2020 until I stepped down as Chemung County Republican Chairman on February 1, 2021.  In May 2016, I was selected by State Republican Chairman Ed Cox as a 2016 Statewide Alternate Delegate to the National Republican Convention in Cleveland, Ohio.  Our State Chairman Nick Langworthy selected me to be a Delegate to the 2020 Republican National Convention in Charlotte, NC but because of the COVID-19 virus, we were not able to attend the convention but did vote by proxy.  It was a tremendous honor for me to be nominated by the NYS Republican and Conservative parties as a presidential and vice presidential Elector to the Electoral College in 2016 and 2020.  In September 2016, 2018 and 2020 I was re-elected  as Chairman of the Chemung County Republican Committee.


I continue to serve as a Committeeman on the New York Republican State Committee. In the eight years that I served as Chairman, 98.2% of Republicans that have appeared on the November ballot have won in Chemung County. Of the more than 400 offices up for election, all Republicans but 7 candidate have been victorious here in Chemung County. On February 1, 2021 I retired as Chairman.  I am extremely proud of the accomplishments we achieved over my 8 years as the Committee’s Chairman. We elected Republicans to 6 out of 7 countywide elected offices including the County Clerk’s Office which was held by the Democrats for 32 years. We took control of the Elmira City Council and continued holding our supermajority on the county legislature, including taking a 14-1 majority in the 2014 election. That is the biggest majority Republicans ever held in that body. We continued to re-elect our Congressman, State Senator, State Assemblymen, District Attorney, City Court Judges, State Supreme Court Justices and kept Republican majorities on almost all of our town and village boards. Serving as Chairman was the honor of a lifetime and I will always be grateful for the support I received and the friendships I made along the way.



Entering the Roman Catholic Church

At the Easter Vigil at St. Patrick’s Church on Saturday Evening, April 19, 2014 I received the Sacraments of Confirmation and Holy Eucharist.  My Sponsor for the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults was my friend, the Honorable Thomas J. Santulli, Chemung County Executive.  I attended the RCIA program at the Faith Formation Center of the Elmira Catholic Parishes from September 2013 to April 2014.  I chose the name Francis as my Confirmation name in honor of his Holiness Pope Francis.  Since his election as Pope in March 2013 by the College of Cardinals, Pope Francis has inspired me to live a life based on the teachings and beliefs of the Catholic faith.




Man’s Best FriendRocko1

Growing up, we had pets every now and then, but nothing really long term. As an adult, my busy life would never accommodate the time, energy and dedication it would take to care for a dog and provide the attention having one would take. All that changed in June, 2015. That is when Rocko, an American Bully Pit came into my life. Rocko was owned by my wife’s (girlfriend at the time) son who could no longer keep him. We could not find anyone to take him and we didn’t want him to be used in dog fighting, which is a possibility with this breed. After helping take care of him over time, I fell in love with him and decided that I would take him and keep him in the family. Since then, he has become my best buddy. I never understood people when they talked about their pets as “part of the family.” Needless to say, now I do. In mid-September 2018, Rocko  went to stay at my stepson’s for a while. After several weeks there, he became attached to the grand kids and really enjoyed being around them. When it came time for him to come home, it became clear to me that it would not be fair to take him away from them after they became a part of each others lives. My stepson and his family take care of him well and he loves the grandchildren and they love him. Although it was extremely hard for me at first to not have him with me, I know in my heart he is happy and I made the right decision to let him stay. Having him the past three and a half years has put so much joy in my life and he will always have a special place in my heart. Thank you Rocko for your unconditional love and the cherished memories that we made together. Daddy will always love you. In early November, I decided to stop by the Chemung County SPCA one afternoon to “look” at the dogs.  Within minutes of my visit, I found a new “best friend.”  Gracie was a four year old pit bull mix in need of a forever home and all the love I could give her.  She became my new best buddy and constant companion at home and public events.  



My Wife and FamilyRodneyKathi

On April 17. 2015, I met an incredible woman, Kathi Marie Pierce. She was the mother of my personal trainer, Chris McGowan. I knew the first time I laid eyes in her, I was going to marry her one day. I fell in love with her that day and as they say, the rest is history. After asking her father if I could have permission to marry his daughter, I proposed to her on September 13, 2015. Needless to say, she said YES! Ten months later, on July 4, 2016 we were married. Our wedding ceremony, officiated by Elmira Mayor Dan Mandell, took place at the Jeff Alexander Memorial Gazebo at Eldridge Park with our families by our side.




Not only did I marry the woman of my dreams and my life partner, I gained five grown stepsons and five grandchildren. Two of my stepsons, who I couldn’t love more if they were my biological children, Chris and Travis McGowan live here in Chemung County. Kathi’s three oldest boys, Jason, Michael and Kyle Herr live out of state with their wives and children. I have been blessed by God with a wife I truly love and adore, and with sons I always wanted but never thought I would have. My family means the world to me. Kathi and I chose to stay and build our life together in the house I was brought home to as a newborn and where I have lived my entire life. We have done extensive renovations and total reconstruction both inside and out to make it our forever family home. We look forward to making many wonderful memories with our children and grandchildren right here in the 15th legislative district. A place where I have and now WE are and always will be proud to call home.



A Heart Attack, Quadruple Open Heart Bypass and Kidney Dialysis

On August 2, 2023 I was taken to Arnot Ogden Medical Center as I was in the midst of having a massive heart attack.  I was in critical condition and taken to ICU where it took 24 hours to stabilize me to allow for a heart catherization.

This procedure showed I had 3 arteries that were 95% to 100% blocked. My heart was only performing at 15%. They couldn’t do anything for me at Arnot except keep me alive until I could get to a cardiac care hospital.

While in ICU, I received Anointing of the Sick by my dear friend and parish priest, Fr. John DeSocio prior to being transferred to another facility. On August 6th, I was taken by ambulance to St. Joseph’s Hospital in Syracuse to be seen by their cardiac care team at their Cardiovascular Institute.


Within an hour of arriving, I met with cardiac surgeon Dr. Anton Cherney.  My condition was so critical that he scheduled surgery for 6am the next morning. He told me that this was a very high risk surgery and there was a very good chance I would not make through the operation because my heart was so weak.

On Monday, August 7th I was taken into surgery for what ended up being a quadruple bypass, one more than the three they thought I needed originally. It was a 10 hour surgery that saved my life.

On August 18th, I was released from St. Joseph’s to begin my recovery at home, in Chemung County. It was a long road with many bumps and setbacks, but after 6 month of following doctor’s orders, I was able to return to work and begin to live a normal life again.


The severity of the heart attack did major damage to my one remaining kidney and 11 months after the heart attack, that kidney shutdown. I began kidney dialysis on July 8, 2024 at Fresenius Kidney Dialysis Center at Guthrie Robert Packer Hospital in Sayre.

Kidney Dialysis has changed my life for the better. I feel rejuvenated every time I get my treatment and it allows me to live a full and normal life. I feel great and am able to continue all my normal daily activities with very few limitations.

I have no plans to seek a kidney transplant, as dialysis works well for me and my doctors say I can expect to live 20 to 30 years. I will let others who have difficulty with dialysis seek kidney donors. I cannot thank my surgical and cardiac care team at St. Joseph’s enough for the care they gave me and giving me my life back. I now have an amazing team of doctors at Guthrie who take good care of me and keep me healthy. My wife and family were amazing through it all and I will be forever grateful to them and for all they did for me. The support and prayers from my friends, family, constituents in the 15th district, Chemung County and throughout the community was what got me through this very difficult medical crisis. I appreciate you more than you know.



Why I Ran for the County Legislature

I have wanted to be a county legislator since 7th grade. That year my social studies teacher was Paul Prunier. He was the county legislator from the 13th district. He lit the fire that’s been burning inside me all these years. I love Chemung County and my community of Southport and Ashland, it’s been my home for over 45 years and I’m not leaving. I had the privilege to work with County Executive Tom Santulli for my first two terms on the legislature to bring economic development to our county and the 15th legislative district. I am working with current County Executive Chris Moss to create jobs for the hard working people of Southport, Ashland, Elmira, Chemung and all of Chemung County. I am bringing my fiscal conservatism to the 15th district seat by working to keep taxes stable and spending down. Along with Chris Moss, I am continuing  to seek ways to end the waste, fraud and abuse to the Medicaid system and make it as cost effective as possible. I am working with Sheriff Bill Schrom to keep our neighborhoods safe and preserve the high quality of life you so richly deserve. Together, we can make the 15th district and Chemung County a great place to live, work and raise a family. I am working my heart out every day to make you proud and get the job done. I will never forget who sent me here.



Your 15th District Legislator

Bio21I took office on January 1, 2011 as the Legislator from Chemung County’s 15th legislative district. I am currently serving my fourth term on the legislature.  I am so proud to represent you on the Chemung County Legislature.  On January 1, 2019, I became the Majority Leader of the Chemung County Legislature. A position I held until Dec. 31, 2022. I serve on the Budget Committee, Corrections and Law Enforcement Committee and I am the Chairman of the Highway Committee. I also have been appointed by the Chairman of the Legislature as the legislative representative on the Chemung County Transit Board. County Executive Chris Moss has appointed me to serve on the Board of Directors of Cornell Cooperative Extension of Chemung County, a member of the Chemung County Dept. of Aged and Long Term Care Advisory Board and in January 2019 he appointed me to serve on the Board of the Chemung County Industrial Development Agency.  As, Chairman of the Highway Committee, I serve on the Chemung County Traffic Safety Board and the Elmira-Chemung Transportation Council. I am working hard to make a difference in the lives of the people of the 15th district.  I am often asked what other office I want to seek next.  I tell those who ask that I am truly where I want to be.  I have no plans to seek any other elected office.  I love being a county legislator.  I will serve the people of the 15th legislative district for as long as the voters will have me.  To the residents of the 15th legislative district, my friends, family, church and supporters, THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart.  I wouldn’t be where I am today without each and everyone of you!