Chemung County Legislature Monthly Committee Meeting and Regular Meeting

Agendas and Minutes can be viewed by clicking here


To watch Live Streams of meetings in real-time or recorded, click here

County Legislature Committee Meetings

Hazlett Building - 5th floor Conference Room 510 203 Lake St, Elmira, NY, United States

4th Monday of each month (Aviation, Buildings and Grounds, Corrections and Law, Health and Human Services, Highway, Multi-Services, Personnel)

Prescription Drug Drop-Off

Southport Fire Dept. Corner of Carl & Cedar St.

The Chemung County Sheriff’s Office will take part in the Drug Enforcement Administration’s (DEA) Nationwide prescription Drug "Take Back" Initiative on Saturday, April 29, 2017, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Chemung County residents are being encouraged to turn in their expired and unused prescription medications for proper disposal. Residents are asked to keep the medications in their original container […]

Full County Legislature Meeting

Hazlett Building - 5th floor Legislative Chambers 203 Lake St., Elmira, NY, United States

2nd Monday of each month.

MAYFEAST at Notre Dame High School

Notre Dame High School 1400 Maple Ave., Elmira, NY, United States

Craft Vendors, Bake Sale, Flower Sale, Chicken BBQ. Children's Games, Face Painting, Art Show Fun For The Whole Family!
